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7.3 Nuclear Reactions
BC Science 10
2. Canadian nuclear reactors are called _____ reactors.
7. The isotope that undergoes radioactive decay is called the _____ isotope.
8. A nuclear reaction in which small nuclei combine to produce a larger nucleus.
9. _____ isotopes exist indefinitely and have no known half-life.
13. A curved line on a graph that shows the rate at which radioisotopes decay.
14. Nuclear power plants produce a lot of heat. This heat is used to boil water and generate steam, which then drives turbines that produce _____.
15. It takes a tremendous amount of energy for an alpha particle (with a charge of +2 ) to collide with a nitrogen-14 nucleus (with a charge of +7 ) because the _____ between the positive charges is very great.
16. A nuclear reaction in which a large nucleus breaks apart, producing two or more smaller nuclei, subatomic particles, and energy.
17. In a chain reaction, the number of fissions and the amount of energy released can increase rapidly and lead to a violent nuclear _____.
18. Due to its constant output of energy, the Sun loses almost 4 million tonnes of _____ each second.
1. In the sun and other stars, there is sufficient pressure and high enough temperature to force isotopes of _____ to collide with great force, a process called fusion.
2. The ongoing process in which one reaction initiates the next reaction is called a _____ reaction.
3. The stable product of radioactive decay is called the _____ isotope.
4. A constant for any radioactive isotope, which is equal to the time required for half the nuclei in a sample to decay.
5. After an organism dies, the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 then decreases with time. This is the basis of _____ dating.
6. The fission of a nucleus is accompanied by a very large release of _____, which can be used to power huge turbines.
10. Strontium-90 has a half-life of 29 years. If you have forty grams of strontium-90 today, 29 years from now you would have _____ grams left.
11. A nuclear reaction is induced by bombarding a _____ with alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays.
12. The nuclear fission of _____-235 is the main nuclear reaction in Canadian nuclear power plants.