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3.3 How Introduced Species Affect
BC Science 10
3. These invaders may have escaped from early European explorer and fur-trading ships. They are extremely well adapted to almost every environment and feed on almost any food source, including meat, grain, seeds, fungi, land and marine invertebrates, fish, and birds. A female can produce up to 72 young per year.
6. Plants and animals that naturally inhabit an area.
8. Organisms that can take over the habitat of native species or invade their bodies.
9. Ecosystems can be disturbed when people, intentionally or by accident, transport plants, animals, or micro-organisms into regions where they did not exist previously. These species are called _____ species
13. Introduced predators can have more impact on a prey population than native predators, as prey may not have _____ to escape or fight them.
14. Starlings have caused the decline of several bird species because of their ability to _____ native birds for nesting sites.
1. The invasive species in the background of this puzle destroys wetlands and quickly reproduces, as each plant can produce more than 300 000 seeds. It chokes out other plants and is too dense to shelter wildlife.
2. Most _____ species are harmless or beneficial in their new environments.
4. Introduced invasive species can make a natural habitat unsuitable for native species by changing its structure or composition. This is called habitat _____.
5. In British Columbia, many introduced _____ species, such as the American bullfrog, are having an impact on ecosystems.
7. Scientists believe the rapid spread of introduced invasive species is a major cause of global _____ loss.
10. Introduced invasive species _____ against native species for essential resources such as food and habitat.
11. An invasion of parasites or disease-causing viruses and bacteria can weaken the _____ responses of an ecosystem’s native plants and animals, including humans.
12. Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team